Sunday, November 23, 2008

Disabled couple see independence intertwined with will to live

from The Sacramento Bee:

Kevin Terrell and Beverly Evans-Terrell are married. They live in an
apartment in the Country Club neighborhood of suburban Sacramento. They
have both been disabled since birth and depend on services provided
through the state to remain independent and live outside of nursing

Kevin Terrel

I grew up in a nursing home in Southern California. Nursing homes are a zoo.

You live with at least 50 other people and you have 50 people working
in various positions. I don't like them. I am the king of
claustrophobia. I need my space. I need my privacy. I will not go back
to a nursing home without a fight. It's not going to happen.

If nursing homes cost so much, why is California trying to cut these
programs that do their best to keep us out of nursing homes? That is
what I would like to know.

Beverly Evans-Terrel

I was born with spina bifida. I was raised at home until I was 13 and
then I lived in Sonoma State Hospital. When I was 24 I asked to be
placed in a place where they would teach us to be somewhat independent.
Now I live on my own, with Kevin.

If we have to go back to nursing homes we will lose the will to live.
Living on my own I have the responsibility to take care of myself. I'm
free from dictators. I can go anywhere I want to go. I can go to bed
when I want to.

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