Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Does Your Content Work for an Aging Population?

Read the Whole Article. It's great!

I’m getting older. You are too. It’s a fact of life that no matter
how young we are now, one day we’re going to start feeling the creaks
and groans of age settling in.

I can’t stay up as late at night. I’m a little slower to get going
in the morning. When I’ve been writing for a long time, I feel stiff as
I rise from my chair. Oh, yeah, and my eyesight is going, too.

Somewhere about the time we realize that
we’ve flipped into middle age, little physical effects of aging sink
in. They’re small at first and what gets noticed is what hurts most.
Then other changes come to light, slowly but surely.

Lately, I’ve noticed I’m squinting a little more to read text on my
monitor. I’m not keen on grey fonts and black on white serves me best.
I don’t like Arial 6 (or 8 or 10, for that matter) fonts on websites,
and I have to lean in and strain to read or give up and click away.

That’s important. How you write is key to online success. What you
write is even more so. But what your content looks like has a huge,
huge impact on your future.

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