Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Die_Charta_in_Englisch.pdf (application/pdf Object)

All human beings have an unqualified entitlement to respect for their dignity and uniqueness.
People needing assistance and long-term care have the same rights as everybody else and
should in no way be disadvantaged as a result of their special circumstances. The state and
society have a special responsibility to protect the human dignity of those in need of longterm
care and assistance since this group is often not in a position to represent its own interests.
The aim of this Charter is to strengthen the role and the legal position of people in need of
long-term care and assistance by summarising the basic and indisputable rights of those
people in need of assistance, support and care. These rights are an expression of respect for
human dignity and are thus also anchored in numerous national and international legal texts1.
They are elaborated on in the explanatory notes to the articles in relation to various key aspects
and situations in the lives of those needing long-term care and assistance. The Charter
also formulates quality criteria and objectives which should be the goals of all good long-term
care and support.

and much more……..

Die_Charta_in_Englisch.pdf (application/pdf Object)

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