Sunday, June 22, 2008

Long-Term Care Financing Solutions: AARP

Earlier we blogged here about the long-term care financing forum at the University of Minnesota. One of the solutions put forward came from AARP. Here are highlights from Enid Kassner, director, Independent Living/Long-Term Care Public Policy Institute. Next we’ll share an approach from the American Association of Homes and Services for the Aging.

AARP’s Goal:

Create an affordable, consumer and caregiver-focused system providing coverage for, and access to, high quality long-term services and supports for independent living.

1. Promote - nationally and in the states - reform of delivery and financing for long-term services and supports.

2. REFOCUS reform debate on providing: long-term services and supports for independent living . . . rather than on “long-term care” or “Medicaid Reform.”

3. Include ALL populations, people with: developmental disabilities and physical disabilities . . . while improving services for seniors.

4. Defin “long-term services and support system” as FOUR separate, but related components:

1. Caregivers
2. Housing
3. Health Care
4. Long-Term and Community-Based Supportive Services

. . . . plus mechanisms to finance each component.

Norman DeLisle, MDRC
"With Liberty and Access for All!"
GrandCentral: 517-589-4081
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Zemanta Pixie

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