Friday, May 30, 2008

Voices Institute Graduates - May the Root Thrive!

We just completed another historic and successful step forward for the movement to empower direct care workers and to fix our broken long-term care system!

It is clear that Direct Care Workers want a voice and to have their voices heard to improve the profession and the quality of care and services. It was fitting that direct care workers from 12 states met at a place whose motto is: May the Root Thrive! The 25 leaders from 12 states gathered at the DeKoven Center are the roots of our growing movement! I have no doubt that each and every one of the attendees will ensure that the long-term care care-gap is avoided and direct care workers are empowered by applying the powerful tools we all learned at our five day training program.

The events I witnessed at the Voices Institute Inaugural class reminded me of the gracious, generous and powerful nature of direct care workers and their ability to meet any challenge and thrive: flexibility, ability to solve problems, address crisis situations, balance challenging schedules are the stuff that the daily care-giving experience is made of. And so, all the Voices Institutes leaders gathered and we learned speech making, fundraising, organizational and self empowerment strategies and we all thrived in the intense and challenging environment Bob Hudek designed for us. Thank you Bob Hudek for locating the perfect learning environment and for designing a curriculum that gave us comfort, hope and thought us powerful tools that along with Vera’s empowerment tools will lead us to success.

Norman DeLisle, MDRC
"With Liberty and Access for All!"
GrandCentral: 517-589-4081
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